Monday, November 6, 2017

"That's not the language they taught me in the MTC"


Today is my 2 month mark! I feel like its so crazy that its already been two months but also I feel like I have been here for my entire life and I will be here for the rest of my life. 

The language is coming but also its so hard. I can understand slow spanish really good but the problem is that dominicans dont pronounce anything and they speak super fast so some people I can understand ok and some people I have no idea what they are saying. Sometimes its really hard to not be able to communicate because I came on a mission to talk to people not follow around my companion. But I have learned so much in the last two months its crazy!

I saw some crazy stuff this week. There are so many stray dogs that when one dies nobody is going to bury it so there was this giant dog on this street we always walk on and it smells so bad and Im not going to describe how it looks. I saw SIX people on a moped. I realized this place we walk by everyday is a washing machine repair shop so I thought that was funny. Also everybody has up Christmas decorations and yesterday i saw a doormat that said "Let it snow" but my dominican companion has never seen snow and its hot and humid everyday haha.

I will try to send pictures next week but its really slow right now and I dont have enough time. Thanks for all your emails and sorry if I didnt respond.

Love Elder Eliason

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