Monday, December 25, 2017

Good Week

This week I went to a surprise birthday party, watched a pig get murdered, BAPTIZED MANUALA, talked to my family, and found out I'm friends with the bishop's daughter that lives in Utah!​

 With Elder Larson, my MTC companion.

Monday, December 18, 2017

It's almost Christmas!

This week was pretty good. I went on splits with Elder Jarvis from Cedar City and we stayed in my area and my companion left.  I had to find a bunch of people and talk a lot because he didn't know our area and almost every appointment fell through but we ended up finding something to do. We have kind of been struggling lately to find people to teach so its hard when people aren't in their houses when they say they will be. It was pretty nice to be with an American for a while and pretty weird to speak so much English.

So we were driving to pick up the Hermanas with a member because Hermana Lynch sprained her ankle. We are stopped at this light and the second counselor comes the other way and basically just stops in the intersection and tells us we are giving talks in 20 minutes. I was super freaked our but I talked for more that 10 minutes in Spanish and it was actually pretty good I think.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Flamboyanes Ward Christmas Party




Monday, December 11, 2017

Buenas Dias

Hey Everybody!

Sorry I didnt write last week. We got to the place late then the power went out so I barely had any time to write.
This week had some good parts and some bad parts. My companion is still hard to get along with sometimes but Im learning a lot about patience. I dont really know what to write about so Ill just talk about some stuff that happened.

This lady that we always cook for us, her mom died and that was really sad so we went to this viewing in there house on the same day because they dont have morticioners here. It was so hot because there were so many people and also Im kindof afraid of dead people so it was nice when we left.
This guy named Joan had a baptismal date for Sunday and he bailed. This is like the third time hes done it. He has a testimony but his mom doesnt want him to get baptized. Also he lives on like an acre and a half and has a really big house and he is only 19.
This other guy named Joel is 7th day adventist and I didnt know those actually existed. He is super into the bible and acts like he wants to learn but he is obsessed with the sabbath day and why itssunday and not saturday but i dont know why its such a big deal to him.
Hermana Crane went home. And Hermana Niceler from Missouri is here now. She is pretty cool and she speaks English so thats REALLY cool too.
There was a lizard in my bathroom so I did the only reasonable thing and made him my pet. But he bit me and pooped so I threw him out the window.

Elder Mieses was teasing this kid with a baloon and the kid ran away to tell his mom so Elder Mieses ran to hide it and he ran back and when he sat down on the couch there was this giant crack! HAHAHAHA! He broke the couch and he didnt say anything about it untill the next day when the lady that lives there said look what happend and the couch is totally lopsided now! HAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so hard when he broke it. But here is a picture of him on the couch. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!

Next week I will try to send some pictures of this place. Im used to this place and I just live here and everything is normal to me.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Losing Power

Eric wasn't able to send a group email this week. The power went out and when it came back on, it took a while for his computer to reboot. He ended up with just 30 minutes to read all his emails and respond. The guy at the internet place reset his time, but p-day ends at 6 p.m. :(

He did send an email to his little brother, Carl. Last week he told Carl to play in the snow for him. Carl sent him a picture of himself laying in the snow from a few weeks ago in the canyon. Eric responded, "You look like you're having fun in the snow and that's good because it's still hot here. The only thing that is cold is the showers and they are really cold."

Eric asked me to "say on the blog that everything is the same and the power went out so I only had 30 minutes to write."

Here is a picture I got of my favorite Dominican and Eric at church on Sunday morning.