Monday, December 18, 2017

It's almost Christmas!

This week was pretty good. I went on splits with Elder Jarvis from Cedar City and we stayed in my area and my companion left.  I had to find a bunch of people and talk a lot because he didn't know our area and almost every appointment fell through but we ended up finding something to do. We have kind of been struggling lately to find people to teach so its hard when people aren't in their houses when they say they will be. It was pretty nice to be with an American for a while and pretty weird to speak so much English.

So we were driving to pick up the Hermanas with a member because Hermana Lynch sprained her ankle. We are stopped at this light and the second counselor comes the other way and basically just stops in the intersection and tells us we are giving talks in 20 minutes. I was super freaked our but I talked for more that 10 minutes in Spanish and it was actually pretty good I think.

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