Monday, March 5, 2018


Hello Everybody

This week has been pretty good. We are still working hard and we have found so many people to teach. We are so blessed here in La EspaƱola and there are so many people that are ready for the gospel. 

One of our first days we contacted this one house and this guy and his wife let us in and we had a good lesson. He said that he always saw the missionaries pass and they were always ready to accept them with love, but we finally found them. He prayed and said he feels good about the church and he has been reading and said that he could try to get work of on Sunday so that he could come to church. His name is Junior and his wife is Ofelia and they are both probably 20 years old. I'm really happy for them!

We were walking on this dirt road and these guys asked us if we wanted coconuts so they cut one open for me and I drank it under a palm tree! All the people here are so nice and will just yell "God Bless You" at us when they are driving by.

We also have been making a lot of jello this week and decided that it would be a good idea if we filled the fridge. So we did. I love Jello and the Dominican Republic!

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