Monday, October 8, 2018


I feel like so many things have happened in the last week, I'll do my best.

First, on Tuesday we had the best day ever. We taught lessons the whole day long and we found a lot of good new people. Usually when we have nothing to do, we contact for a while. Every time we contacted, the first person we talked to let us it. It was weird but I felt super blessed. After our last lesson which was really good we are walking out of this apartment complex and there is a 50 peso bill laying on the ground. WOW. I don't know why but I felt so blessed and thanked God for it when I prayed in the night.

So it's Friday night. It's one thirty. We are sleeping. Then we hear this loud noise and there's this super bright light flashing outside. Then the power goes our and somebody knocks on our door. We jumped up super quick and went to the door. We live on the 3rd floor and the light post outside of our house was smoking so bad hahaha. It just like blew up in the middle of the night for no reason and now we haven't had power or water for 3 days. I live in a jungle.

It rains here basically everyday. Lighting struck like right across the street from us when we were in the house. It was so scary. I'm now afraid of lightning, I'm not joking.

General conference was super good. 2 HOUR CHURCH. HAHA. I don't know what I think about that. Hopefully it motivates more people to go to church. But I didn't see that coming at all. I really liked when President Nelson talked about the name of the church. THIS IS THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. I felt the spirit super strong while he was talking about that and I know that this really is Jesus' church!

This is me and my companion leaving the house without light. He is from Texas and we get along really well. He is still learning a lot of things, but I have learned a lot from him despite his inexperience.

I love you all.

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