Monday, January 14, 2019

Crackhead Magic

We went to visit Johan this week. He is doing really good. He took his two little siblings and their neighbor (who are actually super good too) to church on Sunday. If everything goes good, he will be getting baptized this Saturday! YAYAYAYAYAY! My last Saturday in Bonao if they transfer me somewhere else. Johan is such a good kid and I'm so happy we went back to talk to him the day we met him!

So the same dude that told us that he was Jesus Christ comes up to us and says that he was the number one magician and guitar player in all of Europe, but doesn't know how to drive a car. He took these cards out and started doing this trick and it actually was really good haha. I don't know how he did it. Some things only crackheads understand.

We went on exchanges this week. Elder Benitez, one of my old companions, came over to Bonao 1 with me. It was a good time. We taught this guy named Angel that is 20 and was super interested in the Book Of Mormon. He lives super far away from the church, but I feel really good about him.

We found these two super cool brothers. They look like the type of people that would usually reject us but they were super nice. After teaching them, we asked when we could come back and they said tomorrow haha. They are pretty close to my age and we get along super good. They are funny and understand what we teach them! What more could I ask for?

I love you all. I love the mission. I love America. Yo amo a la Republica Dominicana. Y lo mas importante yo amo a JESUS!

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