Monday, January 28, 2019

still here

Transfers were last week. I'm staying. This will be like 6 months in the same area and 4 months with the same companion. I feel good though.

This little store on our street burned down. It was pretty sad because it was somebody's house too. But like the whole neighborhood gathered around. It was crazy!

We found a lot of good people this week. A lot of married couples that have never talked to missionaries before!

We went with Carlos this week and he is super good. It was only the second time we visited him but he basically already knows that this is the true church. The only hard thing is that he lives super far away. He told us that we were the first missionaries to ever go into their little neighborhood. I felt super blessed and looking back I could see so many things that happened so that we would end up at his house. The Lord directs this work.

Carnaval starts next Sunday officially. It basically started yesterday though. Every Sunday of February, everybody just goes and parties haha. Last year was crazy. This country is so wild. Get ready for some good stories in February.

We were walking down the street and we saw Johan´s little brother who we are teaching riding down the street on a motorcycle. That sounds normal. But Brian is 12 years old. And he was on a grown man's motorcycle. 

I dropped my camera and it broke. Sorry.

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