Monday, February 11, 2019


We had a zone conference this week. Presidente Cowan is cracking down on us. Now we can only write for one hour. We cant say bro, dope, or piƱa either. They did loosen up on a few things though so I can't complain.

We went with the elders from the other area so that they could meet Brian and Mariani and Johan. We taught the Plan of Salvation with four missionaries and it was alright haha. They seem really excited for their baptisms but they don't want to go to the branch that they live in (because ours is better). But we will trust in the Lord.

We found this lady a few weeks ago. Her name is Belgica and she is 28. We contacted this old dude that could barely hear and after asked him for references. I'm sure he had no idea what he was saying, but we ended up going into the alley where Belgica lives. She is AMAZING! She is just a really nice lady and easy to get along with. We taught her with the branch president and she came to church on Sunday! I said that she liked it and that she wants to come back. God bless her. I'm so happy.

Today we went on this hike to the mountains here. I was super excited because it was the first time I've ever been, but it was kind of lame. It was nice to go into nature though. I don't have any time to write anymore. I show you all pictures when I get home.

I love you all. The church is true! Cristo VIVE!

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