Monday, May 27, 2019

I put some good pictures in this email

We are teaching a lady and she is really good. We were going over the baptismal questions with her to make sure she was ready for her baptism on Saturday. Turns out her whole family moved to Salcedo to get away from some bad stuff that they were in and we have to do a bunch of things to see if she can get baptized. So close but so far away.

We are doing really good with some things here but struggling a lot too. Never in my mission have I had more people that read what we leave them. It's so awesome. They read and have questions and some people actually write down what they read. It's a miracle. But, nobody is going to church. AHHH! It's so frustrating. We can't keep teaching people that don't go to church but they are good. It's hard, but we are trying to do what the Lord wants us to do here.

We were walking on this and decided to contact a house that we already contacted. We talked to this super cool dude that has read the bible all the way through 2 times, but hasn't heard about the Book of Mormon. We gave it to him and started reading it while we we're still talking to him. SWEET! MIRACLES!

Jose got set apart yesterday for his mission and we got to go. It was really good and I felt the spirit. It reminded me of when I was set apart. I thought a lot about the importance of this calling that the blessing it is to be a missionary. I love being a missionary even though sometimes its hard. 

Look up yaroa on google. That's what we eat every night.

Some little kids that we schooled playing soccer.
Good news, Spiderman wants to be baptized. Bad news, he is only 5 years old.
I have become a pretty good artist in the last few months.
This escalator in Santiago was broken when I got here.
The biggest tarantula I have ever seen. This is as close as I would get to it. It's in the gutter.
Our zone.
Jose got set apart as a missionary yesterday and is leaving today for Mexico.

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