Monday, June 24, 2019

la vida es un ciclo, lo que no sirve, yo no lo reciclo


This week was good. We always work really hard no matter what and some weeks go better than others.

I feel satisfied with my work here. I am working as hard as I have ever worked in my mission and we find good people everyday. 

We found this lady named Miguelina who is trying to give a good example to her kid. She was very receptive to the message we shared with her and I see a lot of potential in her. I've been on every single street in this area but somehow we still find good people.

My companion ran into a wall super hard. hahaha

There was a cockroach in our house. We killed it like 3 times but it was still running around. My companion finished him with a sandal.

We have some really good people but they have some serious obstacles in their way. Alexander and Rosa are awesome. Alexander already has a really strong testimony, but Rosa is married to some dude in Panama so they can't get married for now. ugh. But they said they're going to talk to a lawyer. It seems pretty hard for them to get baptized, but I have faith. Pray for them.

This is Francisco. He is cool. haahha
This is Cokito. He got baptized a few weeks ago.
A dog.
It's mango season and everybody gives us giant bags of mangos. We can't eat them all so we have to do something productive with the ones we don't eat.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Me gusta la mision

We are teaching this really cool couple. I was talking about them in last weeks email but they are progressing really good. We taught them about the law of chastity and they want to get married. They got to church early on Sunday, like 20 minutes before us and they loved it. I went over to talk to them after sacrament meeting and Alexander said, ¨Esta es la iglesia verdadera.¨ This is the true church. I said,¨Amen.¨ The spirit testifies to people that have the desire to learn.

We are teaching this other really funny kid named Francisco. He talked to missionaries 2 years ago but didn't get baptized because they left and I guess missionaries just haven't talked to him since then. We put a baptismal date with him and he came to church on Sunday. He is a super funny kid and goofs off a lot.

We played basketball in this little arena here. It was cool. Ill send some pictures sometime.

We had interviews with Presidente Cowan. We talked about one of our investigators and about me going home. I started getting really sad because I only have 2 more months to be a missionary and help other people to change their lives and be happier. 

Some things have happened this week that have just made me realize how much better my life is when I keep the commandments. Sometimes its hard to be a missionary and keep all of the commandments but really its a lot harder to not live the Gospel and not have a strong relationship with God in your life. If you are reading this and are not satisfied with your life or how you feel I invite you to do something right now to get closer to God. The Gospel has blessed me so much. I feel good.

I love you all. Im only sending 9 more of these emails. The church is true.

Monday, June 10, 2019


Hello world,

I'm still here in La Republica Dominicana and I love it!

Everything is going good over here. We were able to see some miracles here this week.

We have to talk to 130 new people every week and give them an opportunity to learn more about the gospel. Sometimes its hard to do because Salcedo is pretty small and we have to find time in between appointments to find people but its going really good. We are working hard to do it and it seems like contact numbers 125 to 130 are always good. We have found some really good people late at night when we are tired.

We found this couple that seems pretty good. We just shared something small with them the first visit. They had lots of good questions so we left them with 2 pamphlets to answer their questions. When we went back Alexander told us that he felt something different and that he read the whole folleto. He felt the spirit and noticed the difference from just reading a little. AWESOME!

On Saturday we were on our way to an appointment and we contacted this house. We talked to this kid and he said that he's never been to a church but his dad wants him to go. Turns out his dad got baptized in our church and he loves it. We went to their house in the morning to go with him and he was sleeping. We were yelling into the house for so long and his dad finally came to the door and said that he would try to send him. Then 5 minutes before sacrament meeting he got to church!!! It was awesome.

We were playing dominos in our house the other day. I don't know if anybody knows how to play but me and elder durham were loosing 114 to 419 and we were going to 500. We made an epic comeback. SOMO´ LO´ MA´ DURO´

WAWAWA por el mundo entero!

We play basketball all the time. I love it.
I've gotten used to the heat and humidity so I don't talk about it anymore but look at my shirt haha.
I bought a suit to take home!

Monday, June 3, 2019


This week Elder Garcia left. It was really sad. We were together for 3 months and we got along good and worked good together. He was one of my favorite companions. My new companion is Elder Corpus from Dallas, Texas. He has been out for a little more than a year.

Transfers were Wednesday morning so me and Elder Durham were together. We went to my area to teach this lady but she couldn't share with us so we went to contact. We found this really good lady named Yanelis (Jahn-el-ees). She already is really good friends with some members and she has wanted to go to church but just hasn't decided yet. She is like 25 or something and has a kid. And she is MARRIED BY THE LAW! It's a miracle. I have a lot of hope for her!

We have been teaching these people named Randal and Clarinez for a while. They are siblings. Randal is 19 and Clarinez is 18. They have progressed really good for a while and have a desire to change their lives and be baptized. They are super good and ESCOGIDOS, but they haven't been to church yet. We weren't planning on going by but Clarinez called and said she wanted us to go over. She said she wish she would've gone to church last Sunday and promised us that she would go this Sunday. So Sunday morning comes around and she wont answer her phone which always happen. I got kind of frustrated. I'm pretty sure it was the spirit that gave me the idea but we decided to walk to their house super far away right before church started. We woke them up and they came to the second hour of church and they liked it a lot. Its a miracle because if they didn't go to church we would have left them but now they are going to get baptized in a few weeks if everything goes good.

I'm getting closer to the end of my mission but I am full of energy to work and offer the Gospel to everybody! I feel really good and I love being a missionary. We talk to so many people everyday and there are so many people that don't want to hear us, but every once in a while God sends us to somebody that needs us. I know that the church is true and Jesus is our Savior and if we live the Gospel, even when its hard, we will be happier.