Monday, June 24, 2019

la vida es un ciclo, lo que no sirve, yo no lo reciclo


This week was good. We always work really hard no matter what and some weeks go better than others.

I feel satisfied with my work here. I am working as hard as I have ever worked in my mission and we find good people everyday. 

We found this lady named Miguelina who is trying to give a good example to her kid. She was very receptive to the message we shared with her and I see a lot of potential in her. I've been on every single street in this area but somehow we still find good people.

My companion ran into a wall super hard. hahaha

There was a cockroach in our house. We killed it like 3 times but it was still running around. My companion finished him with a sandal.

We have some really good people but they have some serious obstacles in their way. Alexander and Rosa are awesome. Alexander already has a really strong testimony, but Rosa is married to some dude in Panama so they can't get married for now. ugh. But they said they're going to talk to a lawyer. It seems pretty hard for them to get baptized, but I have faith. Pray for them.

This is Francisco. He is cool. haahha
This is Cokito. He got baptized a few weeks ago.
A dog.
It's mango season and everybody gives us giant bags of mangos. We can't eat them all so we have to do something productive with the ones we don't eat.

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