Monday, July 1, 2019


Hello world,

I'm writing you all from the Caribbean. I'm doing good. Salcedo is hard, but hard is good so Salcedo is good.

We are working really hard. I'm doing all that I can. The really good couple that we are teaching said that they don't have plans to get married. He has a testimony. He knows that this is the true church. I don't think she has as strong of a testimony as him, but she knows too. The hardest part about the mission is seeing things happen like that. We have taught a lot of people here in Salcedo that get to know that what we are teaching is true, but aren't willing to make the necessary changes to be baptized.

But some good news is that the kid we are teaching, Francisco, went to church. He has a baptismal date for the 13th of this month and he would be my first baptism here. He is a really good kid. It's kind of hard for him to focus in church but I didn't pay attention when I was 15 either.

I've learned a lot from the mission and I'm grateful for the opportunity God has given me to be here.

I had to go to Santo Domingo to get my residency renewed so we left Sunday night to Santiago. Monday morning we left at 6am and got back to Salcedo at 3. It was a little rough, but we got the see the OCEAN!!! It was awesome. This country is pretty.

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