Monday, July 8, 2019


Francisco didn't go to church on Sunday which was a real bummer, but his aunt did. We had taught her a few times and she is really cool and she talks A LOT. They both told us that they were going to church on Saturday night and on Sunday morning she comes walking in alone without Francisco. She said he didn't get to her house on time so she left him haha. But it was testimony meeting on Sunday and halfway through the meeting she just gets up and starts walking to the front hahaa. I got SUPER nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen but she said that she felt a lot of peace and she thanked everybody for their testimonies. She is the MVP! It was awesome! After she told some people that she wasn't a member, but that she would be.

On Sunday we went back to some people that I was teaching like 3 months ago because we have talked to entire neighborhoods and I don't know where to go to find new good people. It was actually really good and all 4 of them said that they would go to church. 

One of those people was this guy that read the bible 2 whole times but went to Santo Domingo to work for a while. But we read Moroni 8 with him and he said that he learned some new things about baptism. The Book of Mormon is true and we need it to understand the bible.

Today we went to San Francisco and played baseball. Soy Dominicano.

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