Monday, July 15, 2019

A Summer Miracle

Hello world,

This week was incredible!

On Tuesday we in a neighborhood that was pretty far away. We just got done teaching this lady and we were walking. I was pretty frustrated because she understood everything we taught really good but just said that she wouldn't got to church. As we were walking I started to think about miracles. I was thinking really deeply about it and while we were walking I said a little silent prayer and asked God to let us see a miracle that day.

We keep walking and we see this guy sitting outside his house. We go over and start talking to him. We introduce ourselves and guess what he says?!..... I'm catholic. So he wasn't the miracle we were looking for so we asked him for references and if there is a family with a new baby around. I've never ask that, but I did. So he sends us back the way we came and we go to the house that I had already taught at like 4 months ago. Nobody good was there so we go back the way we came from but we go down this street we passed the first time. 

So were walking and we get to this apartment building. I told my companion that we were going to go to the colmado because I was hungry then go find somebody that was going to get baptized on the second floor of the apartments. So we go up and the very first door we knock on a girl comes to the door and says that we can come back later. So we keep going and knock on this other door. This super nice guy came to the door and let us in. He lives with his wife and his 2 month old daughter. His name is Darlin and he has been talking a lot about the church with a member. His wife is Melissa and she used to talk to missionaries and she really likes our church. We gave them a Libro de Mormon and he hugged it and said that it meant a lot to them and that he was very grateful for it. I only have a few more weeks here so I don't know if Ill get to see their baptism but it was the miracle of my mission. I know that God heard my prayer and He answered it a lot quicker than I expected. It strengthened my testimony so much and Ill never go astray from the church or the commandments! God is real and He hears His children!

A lot of other good things happened this week. We finally had a few people come to church. Im still working really hard and Im going to miss the mission when I go so Im trying to make the most of it while I can.

The church is true!

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