Monday, July 22, 2019

one month left

We saw some awesome things this week!

We committed a bunch of people to go to church on Sunday like always and a bunch of people bailed out on us Saturday night and Sunday morning. We got to church early and there was nobody there but right as it was about to start this lady that we have taught named Rosa walked in! It was a miracle.

We found Rosa a few weeks ago. We were SUPER far away from everything one morning and we were contacting. We went into this dead end street and talked to a few people. We talked to this lady that was really mean to us and she was a testigo de Jehova. We left and started walking up to the last 2 houses that were on the street. The lady told us that nobody was home up there. But we went anyways and found Rosa. She told us that she didn't know if she had felt the spirit before but that she wanted to. We have taught her a few times and she is really good.

On Thursday there was a big riot here. We didn't go into this one ghetto neighborhood that we had a few appointments in because we heard a bunch of gunshots over there. We stayed on the tranquilo part of Salcedo for the day, but we heard a bunch of gunshots from like 5 until 10. When they do riots they just make big fires in the streets with tires and then the police come and shoot guns. VIVA LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA

This is Elder Amann from Arizona.
This is yaroa. Fries, chicken, cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise. WOWOWOWOW!!! I love it!

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