Monday, July 29, 2019

que chevere

This week we had a zone conference in La Vega. It was my last zone conference ever! Me and a few other missionaries gave our last testimonies because we are going home at the end of this transfer. I can't believe that it so close.

We are teaching this really awesome Hatian family. The moms name is Enise and she is super prepared. She doesn't speak Spanish super good but she always tells us that she wants to change her life. She went to church alone on Sunday with her 1 year old daughter. She is a great example to me and she has a lot of faith. Whenever we decide to change and repent the Lord will accept us. Its up to us!

Also Jay went to church on Sunday. She is my favorite person that we are teaching. She is awesome! We were teaching her in her house and we got her sister to come listen. We were reading 3 Nefi 11 where Jesus comes to visit the Nefitas and her sister thought that it was really interesting. Jay invited her sister to church and told her that she was going to be baptized. GO JAY!

I like the mission. I don't want to go home but also I do. I'm going to miss this country a lot. The church is true. 

These are the only pictures I took so you guys can look at some other missionaries.

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