Monday, August 5, 2019


This week was awesome!

First off, there are 4 elders in our house and so its not always super calm. My companion got his eyebrow split open at 10 at night so we had to go out into the world after 9 30. It was so weird. We went to this clinic by our house and they gave him 3 stitches. HAHA! It was awesome.

We are teaching a lot of awesome people right now. Jay went to church again. We were teaching her and Francisco walked in. He hadn't shared with us for a long time but Jay told him to sit down and basically begged him to go to church with her the next day and he went! She does more missionary work than lots of the members here haha. She has a baptismal date for the 17th, my last Saturday in the mission. Pray for her. She has the desire but she struggles a little with the word of wisdom so any prayers that are offered in her sake will be greatly appreciated. 

We found this 17 year old girl a while ago but she lives half the time in a far away city that's also part of our area. She came to Salcedo for the weekend and we talked to her. She went to church on Sunday! Wooooh! She really needs the gospel in her life. On Sunday afternoon we went over to her house to teach her and her mom. I asked her what her favorite part about church was and her mom said, ¨los acompaƱantes¨ Uhhhh. At least she went to church haha.

I love the mission. I have decided to stay here forever.

The church is true and the gospel blesses lives. Keep the commandments and you will be happier.

We are friends with the guy that manages this place and he gave us the keys this morning to go play. It was so fun.

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