Thursday, October 12, 2017

This place is NUTSSS

Hello everybody from the Dominican Republic!

This week was super good and it felt like forever but also I cant believe Im emailing again.

Last Friday we got to go on splits with the REAL missionaries. It was so fun. We got on a bus and drove the the stake center. The bus driver basically just did whatever he wanted on the street because hes so big. I went with Elder Clark from Houston and he was really cool. We got on the metro here which is basically the subway and there was this guy just like yelling where everybody was waiting and he was just preaching. We got of the metro and came up to this giant street. We walked over this bridge and there were just vendors that had there stuff laid out over blankets. We took this super ghetto taxi to this neighborhood. Its windshield was smashed and the whole inside was super old and we had to squish in with these two ladys so there were 7 people in a tiny toyota corolla from probably 1995.

We were going to teach this family but the parents werent there but the kids are baptized so we read the Book of Mormon with them. There were two girls and two boys and they were pretty nice. None of the houses have doors or windows so you just go in through the gate in front and there were just chickens everywhere.

All the houses are pretty ghetto and there is trash everywhere and it was SO COOL! Everybody just stares at you because you are white but I dont know if they know I can see them staring at me and they dont say anything unless you say something first. And everybody says "Saludos" to everybody. Everybody is just chilling outside because inside its so hot. We found this less active lady and she took us back in this alley into a room which was her house and it was way hot but it was really good. I didnt say a lot but I told her that reading the Book of Mormon everyday changed my life and I felt good about it. I can understand almost everything if they talk slow but everybody here talks 100mph.

Yesterday me and two other Elders went to the "doctors office" haha. It was super old creepy but we had to go for immigration stuff. They stuck this giant needle in my arm that was like 2 inches long and was super thick so it was basically a toothpick and I got kinda sick after because I hate needles but Im ok now!

Next Tuesday we leave the MTC! Finally! We get on a bus for like 2 hours I think then Ill get a new companion and get to teach real people and Ill have to speak spanish even though I dont know how yet haha. I think that we wont be able to email for a while because pday is a different day so Im not sure when that is yet.

I miss and love all of you! Its always hot here so it makes me sad to think the leaves are changing in Utah:(

Love Elder Eliason


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