Thursday, October 5, 2017

Ayo! Week 4!

Hey everybody!

I dont have a lot of time but this week has been really good. Conference was super good and I learned a lot.

We finally got to do some real missionary work and we went to this university to teach people. We talked to these two girls and they seemed a little interested and first and we talked to them for a long time. We told them about the church then they asked some questions about the church then they asked some questions about us and then they asked questions about us. One of them was born on the very same day as me. They asked if we had girlfriends and we said no because we are missionaries and then they asked if we would ever date a dominican and we didnt understand and said no so I think they got kind of offended but elder durham tried to tell them that we didnt understand the first time so that was funny. We asked for their number and they asked why and we said so we could give it to the other missionaries and they said they wanted us to come instead of the other missionaries so we are pretty sure they were more interested in us instead of the Gospel but it was pretty funny and a good learning experience.

The other day President gulbrandsen came into our classroom and told me to grab my stuff and come the other room and so now im companions with elder larson. His companion went home so they ripped me away from the TRIPANIONSHIP but elder larson is a pretty cool kid and I think we will get along pretty well.

Not as much cool stuff happened this week so sorry. I dont have any pictures either but in two weeks Ill be out of here and Ill have a lot more cool stories and actually cool pictures.

I love and miss all of you and I love your emails!

Elder Eliason

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