Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 3!

Hey everyone! 

Sorry I didn't email last week. I couldn't figure out how to send it to everybody and I didnt have a lot of time but if you want to read last weeks or look at the pictures go here .

Im not very good at writing these emails so Im just going to tell a bunch of funny stories and they will be all jumbled but its ok. 

So last week some of the older elders put alarm clocks in somebody else's room set for the middle of the night and they got really mad but it was funny. We were talking about it and me and my companions said "if anybody puts an alarm clock in our room then we will throw it out the window" and a few days later guess what we found??? an alarm clock. They didnt even hide it good because they set it in the window and we literally open the window every night to talk to people. We didn't want to make liars out of ourselves because we are missionaries now so we threw it out the window and it landed on this ledge next to our classroom on the second floor. So the next day they saw it because I threw it perfectly in front of the window and they got all mad. It was elder porrits alarm clock and it rained and got broken but during lunch I crawled out the window and we dried it out and put it under there bed but the batteries fell out and it didnt go off but it was still really funny. Because they just found their alarm clock in their room. haha

We were playing basketball the other day and everybody always goes super hard, I dont really know why but I was surprised nobody had gotten hurt. BUT... I knew something would happen. Me and elder guajardo went up for a rebound and he is always super aggressive and his elbow smacked me right above my eye. I started bleeding so we went inside to clean it up and it was actually a really big cut right below my eyebrow. They said they were going to have a doctor come but I wasn't about to let some dominican doctor operate on me. Nobody ever came and sister gulbransen said that it looks ok so I just tried to tape it shut that night and it looks pretty good now. 

On Sunday we finally got to leave the temple grounds to go to the park across the street and elder porrit almost got hit by a motorcycle his fifth step away from the temple and they just honk here they dont slow down. The park was pretty cool and it used to be an old zoo. We went to the store yesterday and I bought the coolest shirt ever and a bunch of snacks. The guy at the register said something to me and it was so fast and I thought he said "do you want more" in spanish but that didnt make sense but apparently he was asking if I was part of the stores club. On the way back we saw a horse in this little field in the middle of the city. Its not very nice but the older missionaries told us this is the nicest part of the DR that isnt a resort.

The older missionaries left on tuesday and that was really sad because I liked all of them a lot and we got new missionaries yesterday. There aren't very many of them so instead of having 60 missionaries at this mtc we have less than 40 probably. One of them said something about him beating us at basketball when we were going outside to play so I think we're going to have to show them how we do things around here a little bit.

Im going to try to attach some pictures but if you cant see them then go to that website. I miss all of you and I love all of you. Feel free to send me pictures because I dont want to forget what any of you look like. Also we got to go on top of the MTC and it was a super cool view.

Elder Eliason

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