Thursday, September 21, 2017

Email Numero Dos

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for all of your letters. I dont have lot of time to write back but I read them all and I appreciate all of them:)

The CCM is a lot better than it was last week. The first days here were terrible but now Im good. First of all when we got here you would have no idea that a hurricane or anything just happened and theyre telling us that hurricane maria is coming today but its just kinda windy outside which is a pretty big disapointment but Im sure the people here are happy that their houses are not getting destroyed.

Sunday was a really good day. I got to take a nap because Elder guajardo had a meeting in the morining because hes the district leader so that was actually really nice because it doesnt feel like we get a lot of sleep here. We have some freetime on sunday too good and we walked around the temple. You can see the ocean from the front doors of the temple which is pretty cool because they never let us out of the walls here. But... GOOD NEWS! I saw the tiniest ant I have ever seen which was cool and I also saw like 5 lizards and the lizards here are like a foot long so that was awesome but theyre too fast to catch and I dont think President gulbrandsen would like that. oh well

My spanish is getting better. I learn more everyday but its still kind of stressful because i cant understand everything people say and I cant communicate as well as i would like to without taking forever to think about it. All week we just went to classes so thats not very interesting but here are some interesting things that happened this week. 

1. Every night we have to be in our rooms at 9 but at 9:30 everybody sticks their head out the tiny little windows and we dont really talk about anything interesting but its just kind of funny.
2. Presidents wife sister gulbrandsen was gone but she got here the other day. Shes super nice and the complete opposite of president so its nice to have her here. haha
3. They finally told us that we would get to go outside of the temple grounds yesterday to go to this park that is apparently an old zoo to do some service but there was a rain storm so they didnt let us go so we cleaned up the temple grounds. I dont know why. But its good that they have us to clean up the temple grounds because Im not sure if they pay a bunch of people a lot of money to come everyday and make it look super nice and trim the bushes so they look really nice and mow the lawn so it looks like a golfcourse... but we did pick up some leaves.
4. We get PIZZA every pday which is awesome because all we eat is dominican food but i do have honey bunches of oats in the morning so thats good.
5. The older missionaries are only here for one more week until they go out into the real world then we will be the "experienced" missionaries which is funny because we really looked up to the older missionaries and now we will be the older missionaries.
6. There are power outages like every other day but there have been i think 4 today because of the storm.
7. My dad gave me all these old ugly fat ties so we started making them skinny by cutting them and sewing them to make them look cool so we have this little sweatshop in our room.
8. On the bottom of the bunkbeds it says "a banana a meal makes your poops hard like steal" so im making sure to eat lots of bananas.

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