Monday, November 13, 2017



The beginning of this week wasnt very good but the ending was! 

Right after we finished emailing last week we went out into this crazy storm and there was so much water and it was almost up to my knees in some places. We only got to write for 45 minutes last time and I wasnt happy about that then we basically walked into the ocean. 

I went on exchanges with an Elder from utah this week and it was so nice because i got to get away from my companion for a little while. Sometimes he bugs me so bad but I learn a lot from him in different ways than you would think.

Elder Cook from the quorum of the 12 came and spoke to us which was really cool. He gave a really good talk and an even better testimony. He helped change my outlook on a lot of things and he helped me to have a more positive attitude. And I got to shake his hand!

So there are two things of bad news. Number one, there was this dog we saw in the road that got obliterated. I wont give details. Second, THERE WAS A TARANTULA IN OUR HOUSE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. We got back at night and I was going to get a bowl of frosted flakes and I saw it on the wall. And it was so scary and big and ugly. I yelled for my companion and he wouldnt kill it because ¨he says its a creation of god. So i couldnt go into the kitchen and I started yelling at him to kill it and eventually he flame threw it with the bug spray. And it was terrifying. But it was the biggest spider and terrifying.

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