Monday, November 20, 2017

No spiders this week


This week was pretty good. 

We finally went to this cool track thats in our area to exercise in the morning because my companion never wants to haha. I ran like 2 miles and it was really nice to run but the next day my calves hurt so bad I could hardly walk.

We are running out of investigators so we went contacting the other day. We went to this neighborhood called Las Carolinas which we never go to and we turned down this street with one house. People dont knock here they just yell into their house. So we yelled into their house and this like 25 year old guy with tattoos and corn rows comes. So we share a scripture with him and we are about to leave and he starts talking about how he has so many trials and he wants to change. He told us that everytime he does something bad or thinks about doing something bad the missionaries come and he was really emotional. He said he would be baptized the first time we saw him and Im really happy about it. Times like this really help me because I actually feel like Im helping people and Im supposed to be here. Also Alejandro is really cool and he is a professional dancer and he has the coolest motorcycle I have ever seen and hes really funny.

Other good news. I baptized Paula! She is pretty cool and I like her family a lot and the baptism was really good.

I miss all of you and thanks for your emails.

If you want to send me anything wink wink send it to this address

SDQ 8013
PO Box 025725
Miami, FL 33102-5725

Love Elder Eliason

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