Monday, November 27, 2017


So not a lot happened this week. We had Thanksgiving and that was really fun because our mission president said we could get together and do something as a district. We had mashed potatoes and rice and chicken so it wasnt the most Thanksgivingest Thanksgiving that I have ever had but it was still good and I always love getting to see other people that speak English. 

We didnt have any investigators show up to church on sunday which really sucked and made me kind of mad because people arent going to gain a testimony if they are lazy and they are just wasting their time and we are wasting our time if the people arent going to care.

Wednesday is the end of the transfer so that means I have been in the field the same amount of time I was in the MTC. I will be with Elder Mieses for 6 more weeks then he will leave and I will stay in Flamboyanes for another 6 weeks with somebody else. Hermana Crane is going home so that means our ward will get another Hermana on wednesday too!

Here are some pictures! 

1. Thanksgiving dinner with Hermana Lynch in the background. 
2. Me and Elder Mieses and Hermana Crane. 
3. My friends.

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