Monday, January 29, 2018

Spanish Scriptures

This week went by super fast.

Rosa, the lady that found us, is super interested. She has so many questions and she is super humble and listens really good. The transfer ends in like 3 weeks and I think I might leave Flamboyanes which is really sad because I want to see her get baptized. 

Me and my companion are doing really good. He is super funny and I haven't been angry in so long. I feel really good and I like the mission more now. I stopped reading the scriptures in English because I can understand good enough in Spanish and need to learn more.

We had a zone conference this week and I got to see a bunch of my friends again. It has been raining so much the last few weeks and our street fills up with water up the the doorstep basically because the drainage stinks here. 

I'm doing really good. I'll write more next week. Love you all!

Monday, January 22, 2018


Hey everybody!

This week was really good. I love my new companion! We get along really good and we work so much harder. Three cool things happened this week...

We were walking along this giant road and there were these puppies that somebody dumped on the side of the road. We couldn't just leave them there so we walked to a colmado and bought milk and bread for them. They were so hungry! We took this box and put them in and carried them to this field where we know puppies live. So we were really happy to help.

We were walking down this street that we have walked down so many times and we felt like we should go contact this house. The lesson was pretty good and after Anderson told us that he prayed 4 days ago that he could find a church to go to. So that was super awesome!

The other day we were trying to find this girl the missionaries here used to teach in this neighborhood that I had never been in the last 3 months. We couldn't find the house and so we were going to leave the street but then there was this lady that asked us if we were with a church. We went to her house on Sunday and it was so good. She told us she talked to the missionaries one time and they gave her a Book of Mormon and she read a lot but couldn't find them again. She told us she has prayed so much because she wants to do what is right. She told us that every time she read the Book of Mormon there started to pop up on her phone stuff from the church and she got freaked out haha. But she basically has a testimony of the church even before we found her so we are really happy!

My life is getting a lot better. Me and Elder Cortez are working harder and we are starting to have more success. My testimony has grown so much and I know that God answers our prayers!

Love you all.

Elder Eliason

Monday, January 15, 2018



This week was pretty good. Transfers were on Wednesday and I got a new companion! His name is Elder Cortez from Nicaragua. He is pretty cool and even better we never fight! We have been working a lot harder in this area than with my old companion so hopefully we can start seeing some more success. 

This week it rained so much which is weird because it hardly ever rains here. The whole entire street on the side of you house got flooded and it was so cool. Whenever it rains there is always mud for like 3 days after too.

Our area is kind of struggling right now. We are going to start dropping people this week because they aren't progressing very well. Its kind of hard but also its really good because we will be able to focus more on finding people that are ready and we wont have to waste so much time.

My Spanish is getting really good and I can basically communicate whatever I want now. With my new companion, I realized that I can actually do a lot. I realized that Elder Mieses kind of dominated the conversation a lot and my new comp sometimes doesn't talk so I'm like oh, ok I can talk to these people. I've realized that I learned a lot with my old companion and even though it was really hard I feel like God has a plan for Elder Eliason and he knows that I would grow the most with Elder Mieses. 

The mission has started to get better and I'm starting to be more happy! The church is true and the Book of Mormon changes lives. I've realized that nothing is easy, but if we work through the hard stuff and do what we should be doing we will be blessed. 

Elder Eliason and Elder Cortez
Elder Mieses, Elder Eliason, Sister Niceler, Sister Lynch

Monday, January 8, 2018

4 Months

Hey everyone!

As of saturday I have 4 months in the mission wow! that means I have less than 20 now! Today is my last day with my companion and I really struggled with him but I also learned a lot. I feel like I was put in this position to struggle and to grow. Looking back I feel like I didnt know anything and I there was so many things that I could do better. Ive learned so much and I still have so long to learn more.

President Monson died this week and it was pretty sad. The last two things that he talked about it conference were charity and the book of mormon. I read both of his talks. Both were really short but I learned so much and he really was a prophet called of God. He said that we should read the book of mormon every single day and I know that if we do our lives will change.

The mission is getting better and better everyday and my spanish too. I can almost understand everybody now and Ive started to not be so young in the mission.

Also this is me in front of a giant catholic church.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

See you next year

Feliz año Nuevo!

I had a pretty good week. Almost everything was closed yesterday because it was the first so that is why Im writing on a tuesday. Everybody just blasted music and drank a lot of beer new year eve but I went to bed which was a lot nicer. New years day was pday and we went to get our hair cut and I think the guy is done then he flips the chair back and starts shaving my face for me and he spoke english and was really cool. We ate at one of the only places that was open and went to the roof of the hermanas apartment building which was super cool.

We have been struggling lately to find people but also we are really lucky. We have to walk to this place at least 5 or 6 miles away to get to this neighborhood but there are good people there. We saw this old investigator in the street yesterday and asked her when she was going to let us baptize her and she said next week or something so we are lucky haha.

Everything is going pretty good and I get a new companion in a week which is nice because we really struggle to get along sometimes.

Elder Eliason