Monday, January 22, 2018


Hey everybody!

This week was really good. I love my new companion! We get along really good and we work so much harder. Three cool things happened this week...

We were walking along this giant road and there were these puppies that somebody dumped on the side of the road. We couldn't just leave them there so we walked to a colmado and bought milk and bread for them. They were so hungry! We took this box and put them in and carried them to this field where we know puppies live. So we were really happy to help.

We were walking down this street that we have walked down so many times and we felt like we should go contact this house. The lesson was pretty good and after Anderson told us that he prayed 4 days ago that he could find a church to go to. So that was super awesome!

The other day we were trying to find this girl the missionaries here used to teach in this neighborhood that I had never been in the last 3 months. We couldn't find the house and so we were going to leave the street but then there was this lady that asked us if we were with a church. We went to her house on Sunday and it was so good. She told us she talked to the missionaries one time and they gave her a Book of Mormon and she read a lot but couldn't find them again. She told us she has prayed so much because she wants to do what is right. She told us that every time she read the Book of Mormon there started to pop up on her phone stuff from the church and she got freaked out haha. But she basically has a testimony of the church even before we found her so we are really happy!

My life is getting a lot better. Me and Elder Cortez are working harder and we are starting to have more success. My testimony has grown so much and I know that God answers our prayers!

Love you all.

Elder Eliason

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