Monday, January 29, 2018

Spanish Scriptures

This week went by super fast.

Rosa, the lady that found us, is super interested. She has so many questions and she is super humble and listens really good. The transfer ends in like 3 weeks and I think I might leave Flamboyanes which is really sad because I want to see her get baptized. 

Me and my companion are doing really good. He is super funny and I haven't been angry in so long. I feel really good and I like the mission more now. I stopped reading the scriptures in English because I can understand good enough in Spanish and need to learn more.

We had a zone conference this week and I got to see a bunch of my friends again. It has been raining so much the last few weeks and our street fills up with water up the the doorstep basically because the drainage stinks here. 

I'm doing really good. I'll write more next week. Love you all!

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