Monday, February 5, 2018

The DR is cool

I said I was going to write more this week but I don't have a lot of time again haha. The Dominican Republic is super cool and everything is going good now.

The other day we called the old investigator named Joan. We went to his house and he told us he finished the Book of Mormon completely and he is finally ready to get baptized. If everything goes good he will be baptized the 17th of this month!

This week we went contacting in this giant neighborhood and there are so many rich people here. Nobody wanted to talk to us but we got to see some gigantic houses and nice cars.

Yinelis got baptized this week! I baptized her and it was super good. She is 9 and she is super smart and has a lot of faith. We have been working with her grandma for a while but she isn't progressing a lot but I know Yinelis is going to be blessed because of it. We had to move 2 times because of this giant party called Carnaval. I don't even know what they celebrate but they just drink and do wild stuff. 

Today for P-day we went up one of the mountains here. It was super cool and we played football on the mountain. It was super fun and I miss playing sports.

Pictures, me and my comp in the back of a truck and some wild thing they built in the street for Carnaval, me and Gabriel he is really cool, Me and Yinelis!

I can't believe its already February. Almost Valentine's Day too. And if you want to send me anything like a nice letter send it here!

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PO BOX 025725
Miami, FL 33102 5725

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