Monday, February 12, 2018

This place is NUTZ


This week went by super fast but also super crazy. Just so everybody knows a little more about where I live, here is what happened this week...

At 4 AM we heard a crash in our house and one of the windows was broken. There are bars on the windows, but still somebody was there. We called the zone leaders and they called the cops and they didn't find anything. But there were like 7 cops in our house at 4:45 in the morning.

We were teaching a guy in a colmado and these 2 dudes started beating each other up. They stopped and one ran away and the other came back yelling with a machete, but nothing happened.

We walked past a cock fighting ring slash stadium.

We almost saw 2 big dogs kill each other in a fight.

But something really good happened. We didn't have anything to do and we felt like we should go to this one house that we contacted a long time ago. We shared with the whole family and it was super good. They have a lot of questions and are super prepared. I'm super excited for them!

Also we went to Wendy's in Santiago!

I love you all. The church is true!

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