Monday, March 26, 2018

Chicken Fight

This week was pretty good. This week is Semana Santa and nobody works and nobody goes to school so I'm super excited for all the wild stuff we are going to see.

This week went by really fast so I don't really know what happened.

We went paint balling in Santiago and it was super fun. I'm not very good at it and got hit a bunch of times but whatever. I got to see my old district and I miss them so much.

This week we have been trying a lot harder on how we invite people to do things. We try to talk about the benefit that they will get out of it instead of just saying we want you to do this. It's been working and I'm learning a lot about people. We did it on this lady named Fatima and she always reads and prays, but we just know that she doesn't want to go to church. So we talked about the blessings and changes she has seen from reading and praying and told her we only want more blessings for her and they are waiting in the church. I felt good about it.

This is a picture of me by this river. We call it the trash river because it is full of trash and diapers and dead cats and plastic. The water is green and brown, it depends. But on the big hill is a big hill. We call it the trash hill because they put so much trash there. This area is super cool.

The other picture looks weird, but we saw two chickens fighting then another two started fighting and I had to take a picture. If you zoom in you can see two blurs and that is them.

Anyways, the church is true. I love the Dominican Republic. Have a good week everybody!

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