Monday, March 19, 2018

Most Interesting Man/Burger King x3

Hello world,

I am doing pretty good and this week was a good one. We went to Santiago MondayWednesday, and Friday and we went to Burger King every time we went. It was awesome!

We had interviews with President Castillo this week and he is a really good guy. He was really nice to me and he told me that I have definitely been blessed with the gift of tongues which made me really happy. Also he told me to tell everybody at home that he says HI!

We found maybe the most interesting man in the world this week. We went to Papo's house who has been going to church for 2 months and his step dad was there. I don't know how to start so Ill just say everything. First, Papo's mom is deaf and only speaks sign language. The step dad's name is Ajecka. He is from Indiana. He is half Cherokee and half something else. He played college basketball for Syracuse. He is a big black man. He speaks English, French, and Sign Language, but not Spanish. He married a Dominican and is going to take his new family to live in Indiana. He is hard of hearing, but still speaks good English and sounds almost exactly like Forest Gump. He talks a lot when we are there because not a lot of people understand him. He is super cool and I'm so excited to teach their family. He loves Jesus a lot. He prayed in sign language and I felt REALLY good. It doesn't matter who you are, God loves everyone of his children and wants to hear from them no matter what way. He listens to every prayer!

I called Elder Cortez a little while ago in my old area and he told me Joan is finally going to get baptized. I called him again today and Joan is lost again. Maybe one day he will get baptized.

I love you all. Here are pictures of Burger King, Enjoy!

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