Monday, May 28, 2018

Other white people

This week was pretty good. My area is super cool and there are a lot of rich people here.

I met this Italian guy that moved here to make cheese. He is super cool. He said he was going to make us some Italian pasta but we couldn't do it when we planned. Maybe this week. I'm excited!

We were walking through these big apartment buildings and we saw this white guy. I knew he was going to start talking to us when he was still far away. He is from England and has been living here for 25 years. He drinks a lot and doesn't want to listen to us. He asked me how old I am and I said 19, then he said, I'm 60 then a lot of explicitives then walked away. It was good.

This super cool Haitian dude named Jimmy came to church this Sunday. It's the first time he has come but he is super prepared. There was this old white shirt in our house so I ironed it and we brought it to him and he wore it and looked super good.

Also, I talked in sacrament meeting. I have given the exact same talk in 4 different wards, 6th, Flamboyanes, la EspaƱola, and Torre Alta. But I don't care. Nobody knows hahaha.

I didn't take any cool pictures this week so here are some older ones. 

The church is true.

Amo a La Republica Dominicana.

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