Monday, June 4, 2018


Woah! This week was so awesome.

First, we got this reference from a member last week and we went this week and this guy is so cool. His name is Elpidio and he is so prepared. The first time we taught him we were basically just listening to him talk and he started asking us what he has to do to be a member of our church. He takes care of this ancient lady that is 88. He asked us to give her a blessing. We went into the room and I thought she was almost dead. We gave her a blessing and in two days when we went back he said she is doing a lot better. She ate solid food for the first time in a long time and was talking too. The Priesthood is real. We have already taught him 3 times and he is so ready!

We went to teach Mariano the Word of Wisdom and he was super drunk so we decided another day would be better. haha

We played basketball 2 times this week. All the kids in the street respect me because I can play basketball.

We went to the Teleferico today which is basically like the tram that goes up the big mountain here. We saw a lot of gringos and I felt really uncomfortable around them. It is super cool. I'm defintely coming back here to visit.

Me holding up a giant statue of our Savior with only one hand.

Me preaching repentance to all of Puerto Plata.

Coolest picture of me ever taken???

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