Tuesday, May 1, 2018

We went to Santiago

This week was pretty interesting. I feel like I learned a lot. It was hard, but it was good.

On Thursday, we had a zone conference and it was really good. Something that they talked about that I really liked is that if we really love the Savior, we are going to show it by working hard. I've been trying really hard lately to be better and really have desires to do the Lord's work. I saw a bunch of people there that I know.

We finally had a lesson with this lady named Arysleida again. It was the same day as the zone conference so I felt super spiritual and it was really good. She basically already knows that the church is true, but still has some trials. We put a date with her for baptism. She has to get married but I know she can do it!

We went to Santiago on P-day and we went to this restaurant called Square One. Everybody in this country wants to speak English even if they don't know how. They had sports center playing and a bunch of English music so I enjoyed it.

Sometimes being a missionary is pretty hard, but I know that I'm learning a lot and I'm becoming the person that God wants me to be.


We finally made it to the top of the trash hill. It was super cool.

Me on the cliff overlooking the neighborhoods Viejo Puerto Rico and Villa Bartola.

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