Monday, June 25, 2018

Hello America!

The Dominican Republic is treating me well. Except for the sun.

I don't even remember what we did this week, but it was good. We were with Eldpidio the other day, he is going to get baptized this week! He is like 50 or 60 something and he told us he is in love with Miguelina! She is a member of the church and so hopefully in one year from now I'll be going to the temple with them in Santo Domingo to go to their wedding!

Jimmy, the Haitian is also really good. He went to church on Sunday again and he has really changed his life. Sometimes the mission is hard, but its all worth it when you see somebody's life change for the better. He always talks about how he loves reading the Book of Mormon and he does it every night. He told us that we can come by to share every day of the week if we want. He is super humble and loving and I just love him a lot.

Presidente Castillo called and I'm going to train a new missionary. This should be interesting. haha


Our district and the zone leaders

Male model?

Me right before I jumped into the swimming pool

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