Monday, June 18, 2018

It's hot here

This week was interesting.

First, it is so hot here. If we walk in the street for more that 5 minutes during the day, I get soaked. It's so uncomfortable.

We had to contact so much this week. I feel really lucky to be here because the people are so nice and let you in a lot, but nobody let us in. I don't even know how many people we talked to but it was a lot. It was sad because these people don't know what they are missing out on. But... 
we did find a part member family that is super good. The mom hasn't gone to church in like 20 since she moved, but her family is cool and she gives us lemonade. So all the work was worth it.

Also this week so many people have been saying crap to me about Spanish. So many people judge me because I'm white and if I don't start talking to somebody first, they don't think I speak Spanish. It was bugging me really bad so I read about when Jesus was crucified and he said, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." I really liked that because a mission is hard and I've only been speaking Spanish for 9 months. I'm trying to help people and they don't know how it is so I don't have to worry about what they say.

I just keep learning more and more about Jesus and how amazing He was and is. I know that Jesus lives and that He loves us. He lived a perfect life and suffered for us so we don't have to. But we have to follow Him. Even though a mission is hard, I am happy. Jesus equals Happiness.

I didn't take any pictures this week, but here is another one of me on top of Puerto Plata! I love Puerto Plata!

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