Monday, July 16, 2018

A baptism!

Last week was great!

We had a baptism! Elvis got baptized but we call him Maceko which means Maco which means frog haha. He is 14 and he is a super crazy kid. We have been with him for a while and he has changed a lot. He isn't the perfect convert, but the church is really good for him and he says that he wants to serve a mission. Rodrigo, who is a member baptized him and we are really good friends. The baptism went good and I'm super happy about it.

On Sunday, we had two of our really good investigators come to church. They are a young couple named Dewdy and Marilyn and they are married by the law! They always have good questions and always give us juice and food when we go to their house. I love them.

Things that happened this week...

1. We met an atheist, I think for the first time in my mission. He told us we are from the CIA. I told him that we aren't. But he said yes you are. We didn't end up teaching him hahaha!

2. We saw a motorcyle pulling a man in a wheelchair at like 40 miles an hour. HA

3. There's an Asian dude that just rides around our neighborhood on a minimotorcyle. I don't know where he came from. 

Pictures from the baptism!

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