Monday, July 23, 2018

Still here

This week was super hard and first, but it got better.

The first few days were super hard. All of our appointments fell through and there was nothing to do. We ended up contacting and it is so hot during the afternoon. Everybody told us no and it was hard. Those are the hardest times when there is nothing to do and nobody wants to listen to us. But it got better.

I've been trying really hard lately to be a good missionary and be diligent and at the end of the week we saw the blessing. We had a lesson with our 2 super good investigators and I felt the spirit so strong. I felt really good about the work that we are doing and even though I'm not perfect and my Spanish isn't perfect, I'm trying really hard.

It doesn't matter where you are or how strong your testimony is. The only thing that is important is that we are trying. If we are improving we are moving in the right direction. God didn't send us here to be perfect, He sent us here to grow. And we can do that through Jesus and his Atonement. I have a testimony so strong of that now and I have changed so much because of Him. I know that Jesus lives and loves us.

Also Dewdy and Marilyn went to church again this s
Sunday! They said they are going to go again next Sunday and now have a lot more friends in the church. I'm hoping so badly that I don't get taken out of this area before they get baptized.

I didn't take any good pictures this week, but here's a picture of Elvis.

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