Monday, September 10, 2018

One Year?

What just happened?

I feel like I just got here but now I have a year in the mission and I'm already more that halfway done with my missionary service. Wow. In the last year I have learned so much. I know Spanish, I feel like I am a lot kinder and patient, my testimony is a lot stronger, and I know how to work hard. Lots of times people talk to us about how we are losing two years of school and stuff like that, but I know that I couldn't have learned the things that I've learned anywhere else except for the mission. I'm happy to be here and I love being a missionary and preaching about Jesus!

This week we had a lesson with this super good family. The dad is a less active member and the mom and 2 kids are super good too. The dad says that he wants to reactivate himself and get sealed in the temple eventually! ESO! They are super cool but I don't know if I'll get to see their baptism because I've been in Puerto Plata for a long time. But we'll see what happens!

We found a quarter in the street this week...


1 for one year


I always send 3 pictures and I didn't have any other interesting ones.

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