Monday, September 3, 2018


Miracle #1
We were just walking through the street on a normal day, all of our appointments fell through and the sun was super hot. We didn't know what, I don't even remember where we were going but all of a sudden Jimmy just walks around the corner. He was progressing super well and went to Haiti for a few days, but didn't come back for 2 months. He said he only came back to get something so he was only there for one day. He is living in Dajabon by the border of Haiti so we are going to send the missionaries over there to baptize him.

Miracle #2
Elpidio got baptized! He had so many trials before getting baptized. He literally got kicked out of his house the day that his baptism was scheduled the first time, but the Lord provides. Elpidio is such a humble guy and I feel so blessed to have been able to be in this area and find, teach and BAPTIZE him! Elpidio is a super good person and I know that he is a convert and not just a baptism.

Miracle #3
The Atonement is a miracle. Our Elders Quorum President had a stroke or something and now he can't use the right side of his body. Its super sad. We shared with him Alma 7 11 and 12 and how Jesus knows what he is going through. Sometimes in life we have to suffer. It's hard but if we never suffered we would never be able to understand even a little of what Jesus went through for us. 

Miracle #4
The Prophet came to the DR! We got to hear him talk to the missionaries and also to the whole country. I felt the spirit very strongly when he was talking and I know that he is a prophet of God. He gave us 2 things to do. #1 Teach our companions English. I'm not doing a very good job of that, but I will now. #2 He told us not to marry anybody unless they love the Lord first. #takenote

Miracle #5
Our neighbors have a puppy. He is super energetic and he is getting pretty big now. Whenever he gets excited he pees. I don't know why but he does. We came walking down the stairs one day, he saw us and came running and he peed all over my hand. (The miracle is that our neighbors have a puppy, not that he peed on me.)

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