Monday, August 27, 2018

This week was good.

I don't have a lot to say, but I'm learning a lot.

We were walking down the street and Elpidio yelled at us. He was back in his house! He got kicked out like 2 months ago, but he talked with his lawyer and is back. We went in to teach him and all the stuff got taken out by the old lady's kids. But he is going to be baptized this Saturday! He's such a stud.

We had stake conference this week. President Cowan and the temple president came. Our president is so cool. He has so much energy. He is learning Spanish again and makes a lot of mistakes, but he doesn't let it bother him.

We had a zone conference on Friday. We talked about how the Book of Mormon can help answer any question. We don't need to fight with people, just make them read the Book of Mormon.

We passed by this guy's house that we contacted. A lady there told us, el esta pero no se encuentra. He is here, but can't be found is basically what she said.... hmmm

I'll write more next week. The church is true. Love you all.


Elder Alba is going home. He is a good guy. Funnest transfer of my mission.

The TRIPANIONSHIP is reunited.

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