Monday, August 20, 2018


This week was one of the hardest, but also one of the best weeks of my mission. 

A lot of stuff happened the first few days of the week and it was terrible, but it finished so good.

These kids in this neighborhood that we are always in were putting up this 8 foot basketball hoop and asked us to help. I started playing and got super sweaty, but I dunked a bunch of times and everybody went crazy. It was so fun. I felt like such a baller.

Deurin and Marlen got baptized! We found them like 3 months ago contacting and they had a lot of questions at first. They asked if we celebrated birthdays and donated blood, but got more comfortable when they realized that were not jdubs haha. They are both 26 and Marlen is pregnant with their first child. I baptized Deurin and Elder Maltez came to the baptism and baptized Marlen. She's pregnant so I don't know if it counts as 2 or 2.5 baptisms. The spirit was so strong and when we were changing in the bathroom, Deurin told me that he was feeling something that he had never felt before. I'm so happy for them and their family and I have no doubt that they will stay strong in the church. I feel so blessed to be here in Puerto Plata and to have been able to meet so many good people.

The church is true. Jesus lives and loves us.

Elder Eliason

Me haha
All of us!

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