Monday, August 13, 2018

the mission is hard

This week was crazy.

They took my new missionary away from me. It was super sad.

My new companion is Elder Baldiris from Columbia. We really don't have anything at all in common but he met Shakira one time so that is super cool. All I can say is that I'm going to learn a lot of patience these next 6 weeks.

When Elder Maltez was saying bye to everybody we went to Deurin and Marlen's house. They are the couple that we have been working with for a while. They said they had something for us and gave my comp a bracelet and they gave me a tie. They are the best people in the whole world. Their baptism is going to be on Saturday. I feel so blessed to be in this area and to have met them.

We were playing basketball today against Dominicans. We won three games in a row and during the fourth this kid hit me so hard in the face. I hate playing basketball with Dominicans.


Me trying to get into the picture before the timer went off.

Me and Elder Maltez's last picture.

One of the people that we are teaching had this massive English Spanish dictionary. I asked him if I could have it. He said yes. It has all the words in the world in it!

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