Monday, August 6, 2018

I was in a cloud this week.

A lot of stuff happened this week.

At the start of the week we couldn't find anybody and so many people rejected us but we kept working hard and eventually found some people.

There was a cockroach and a frog in our house at the same time. I killed the cockroach and the frog disappeared when I went back.

I went on exchanges with Elder Webster from Colorado. All of our lessons fell through but oh well.

Elder Feliz, my old companion is in Puerto Plata now because his comp went home. That means there are no missionaries in Moca again, the area that I opened. That kind of bugged me, but he says Papo still goes to church so that makes me really happy.

We went to the Teleferico today. It was cool. There was a cloud on top.

Elpidio went to church again. He is super cool. He should be getting baptized soon. As soon as he can find a house. 

Me eating the strangest fruit in the world by a swimming pool.

Me in a cloud in the Celestial Kingdom.

Me and Our Savior.

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