Monday, November 26, 2018

The Lord's Hand

Happy Thanksgiving! It was a great Thanksgiving. I ate a meat lovers pizza and I loved it. We got together with some other missionaries. It was fun. Nobody really cares about Thanksgiving here though. Oh well.

The Hermanas had a baptism. The dude who was going to do it had to work so I did it! Woooh! Her name is Maria Isabel. She has a strong testimony and I was happy that I got to do it.

We saw a car hit a moped pretty hard. The ambulance came but she was ok.

This super drunk guy in a colmado at 9 at night got like 6 inches away from my name tag to read it. He asked where I was from. I said Utah to mess with him because I didn't think he would know, then this guy who can barely think started talking about Karl Malone and John Stockton. I was very impressed.

We went and played basketball in Maimon today. When we left, I prayed that we God would put somebody in our path that we could share the Gospel with. When we were on the guagua to Maimon, it was basically empty and I was like well... that prayer wasn't answered but then we got to the basketball court there. We were playing with these kids that live around there. We played for a long time and after I was just shooting around with this kid. His name is Jorge and hadn't ever talked to missionaries before. He was really cool and I hope the missionaries over there can teach him a bunch. I felt like he was an answer to my prayer and I felt happy about it.

On Sunday, we left with this member to go to Los Arroces. We hadn't ever left with him before so we were waiting at a different place at a different time to catch the guagua than usual. This dude comes up to us and asks if we are Mormons. Then he said that he found an old Libro De Mormon and he read about a prophet named Alma and it made an impression on him. He said that he never knew that Christ visited the people in the Americas. It was SO COOL and I felt so blessed. The only bad part is that he lives in the area of the Hermanas. We are just out here finding Golden investigators for everybody else while the people in our own area act like some copper investigators sometimes. Pero... El SeƱor obrara! (idk how to put an accent on the A)

Thanksgiving Dinner!

Bautismo de Maria Isabel

What would I do if they didn't send me to a country that loves basketball???

Monday, November 19, 2018

A week in Bonao

This week was super good. A lot of things happened, but I don't remember them all but..

We started teaching this super cool guy named Edison. The first time we taught him he said that he would be baptized. This week we found out that his ¨wife¨ is 16 years old.... and she is pregnant. Nothing is easy here. But we will have to baptize the 3 of them.

We were in Los Arroces super far away. All of our plans fell through and we didn't know what to do. My companion said that we could go pass by this one old dude that we contacted once. It was super far away, but we decided to go. We got there and almost didn't share because they were sitting in the street and this dude was smoking something that smelled so bad, but we did. We started talking a little and he actually read the pamphlet that we left with him and had a lot of questions. We left him with a Book of Mormon and when we went back he had read! Heck yeah! He is super cool and his name is Simeon.

One day in the morning I was getting dressed and this GIGANTIC moth flew out of my closet. It scared me to death. It almost touched me. I don't know if I would be writing this email right now if it did. God always watches over his missionaries.

This happened a long time ago but remember the big bull in the movie Cars when they go cow/tractor tipping? Yeah, we saw one of those, it was awesome.

The church is true! Live the Gospel and you will be happier!!!

This crazy little girl got in our picture. Jk it's Stefani!
After church on Sunday.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Visit from a 70

This week was super good. We had zone conferences and Elder Alonso from the 70 came. Presidente and Hermana Cowan talked about La Doctrina de Cristo (Faith, repentance, baptism, the reception of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End) and how we should be implementing that in every lesson. Elder Alonso spoke to us and it was so good. Oh my goodness. He blew my mind. I learned so many good things from him and he said that if we work for it we can achieve 200 baptisms every month which is more than twice of what we are doing right now. My testimony in Prophets and Apostles is so much stronger after listening to somebody that represents them.

We went on exchanges with the zone leaders. I learned a lot. We are teaching this kid named Andrew and his siblings. He is so receptive to our message which has been a good change from lots of other people we teach. We put a baptismal date with him and I have a lot of confidence in him.

We still work in this neighborhood super far away from were we live called Los Arroces. There are a lot of good people of there, but it's frustrating because we will have a good lesson, invite them to church and they will say yes. We will keep talking and realize they have no motorcycle or car and the church is super far away. If they let us buy a bus, we would fill the chapel every Sunday. 

This guy stopped us in the street today and told us they he was Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. And did it in English. I don't think it was actually Him though.

My life is very good as a missionary. I feel very blessed for the opportunity to be here. Being worthy of the Spirit is the best feeling that there is. I know that Jesus lives.

Go to church everybody.

There was a lizard in our house so we put a leash on him.
¡Viva Los Utah Jazz!

Monday, November 5, 2018

It's a Tongan!

Hello world,

This week was great! There were some ups and some downs, but it was really good. 

Elder Perez left me. We went and said goodbye to everybody. He seemed pretty excited to get out of here haha. They didn't tell me I was going to Santiago so on the day of transfers the bus gets to our house and I help my companion with his bags. They told me I was going with them and I looked down and was still in my pajamas so I changed the fastest that I ever have in my life.

My new companion is Elder Tupou! He is from Utah and he is Tongan. He is super cool and chill and we just play my ukulele all the time. I realized how much Spanish I've learned in the last year because I was just like him when I got here. He is still learning Spanish, but he is doing really good.

On Friday, we went to this meeting in Santiago. I saw Brandon... um I mean Elder Todd there. He just barely got to this mission and it was super weird to see somebody that I knew before the mission.

Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. Two of our investigators got up and shared their testimonies! ESO! HECK YEAH! It was so cool. They are doing really good, but just are having problems with leaving coffee.

The mission is really good. We are finding a lot of good people and working hard. We had some good spiritual experiences this week and we can see people changing. The church is true and Jesus lives!

Mine and Elder Perez's last picture together
My child, my dad, me