Monday, November 26, 2018

The Lord's Hand

Happy Thanksgiving! It was a great Thanksgiving. I ate a meat lovers pizza and I loved it. We got together with some other missionaries. It was fun. Nobody really cares about Thanksgiving here though. Oh well.

The Hermanas had a baptism. The dude who was going to do it had to work so I did it! Woooh! Her name is Maria Isabel. She has a strong testimony and I was happy that I got to do it.

We saw a car hit a moped pretty hard. The ambulance came but she was ok.

This super drunk guy in a colmado at 9 at night got like 6 inches away from my name tag to read it. He asked where I was from. I said Utah to mess with him because I didn't think he would know, then this guy who can barely think started talking about Karl Malone and John Stockton. I was very impressed.

We went and played basketball in Maimon today. When we left, I prayed that we God would put somebody in our path that we could share the Gospel with. When we were on the guagua to Maimon, it was basically empty and I was like well... that prayer wasn't answered but then we got to the basketball court there. We were playing with these kids that live around there. We played for a long time and after I was just shooting around with this kid. His name is Jorge and hadn't ever talked to missionaries before. He was really cool and I hope the missionaries over there can teach him a bunch. I felt like he was an answer to my prayer and I felt happy about it.

On Sunday, we left with this member to go to Los Arroces. We hadn't ever left with him before so we were waiting at a different place at a different time to catch the guagua than usual. This dude comes up to us and asks if we are Mormons. Then he said that he found an old Libro De Mormon and he read about a prophet named Alma and it made an impression on him. He said that he never knew that Christ visited the people in the Americas. It was SO COOL and I felt so blessed. The only bad part is that he lives in the area of the Hermanas. We are just out here finding Golden investigators for everybody else while the people in our own area act like some copper investigators sometimes. Pero... El SeƱor obrara! (idk how to put an accent on the A)

Thanksgiving Dinner!

Bautismo de Maria Isabel

What would I do if they didn't send me to a country that loves basketball???

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