Monday, December 3, 2018


I feel like every week goes by so fast and they are all good. but.. this week was good.

We went on intercambios with the zone leaders. We found this family that is pretty good. It's so awesome to find people that are receptive to our message! 

On Sunday, we had this kid that we are teaching come to church for the first time. We found him contacting in the morning which always sucks because its just old ladies cooking and its hot. But we contacted Joan and this other dude while they were fixing a bike. We saw them in this alley as we walked past and decided to turn around and talk to them. They didn't seem very interested but we put an appointment and when we went back Joan listened super good. He is 17 and is super humble and a little shy but he is cool! 

I shared my testimony on Sunday. I talked a little about the young rich man in the bible and how Jesus told him to leave everything and to follow him. We can't inherit all that God has if we are not willing to give all that we have. I feel like 2 years is so short and so little compared to the blessing that I have received and the blessing I will receive for being here. SACRIFICE BRINGS BLESSINGS!

Lately we haven't been having a lot of success here in Bonao, but I have learned a lot from it. The Lord gives us so many opportunities to get better and does all he can to help us. I feel like my relationship with Him has grown as I have struggled to help people here keep their commitments. I know that the church is true. Life is hard but it helps us grow. I know that if we have faith and repent then we will be happy. Spread the Gospel. Be a light. I'm very grateful to be a missionary. CRISTO VIVE!

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