Monday, March 4, 2019

goodbye Bonao

I'm leaving!

Four transfers, six months in Bonao and I'm finally leaving. I have learned so much here in Bonao and my testimony has grown so much. I have learned so much more about Jesus. I know that He lives.

My companion had to go to Santo Domingo for his visa or something so Elder Garcia came here with me for a little. It was super fun. We lived in the same house in Moca and I love him.

The Sister missionaries that came to the mission with me go home this week. haha.

I'm going to Salcedo! I don't know that much about it except that apparently the house is haunted. Sweet!

Things here in Bonao are pretty tough. Still a lot of people that don't want to listen to us or go to church. But, this super good guy that we are teaching named Cheo came to church! He lives super far away. He came and hour and 20 minutes late but at least he is a man of his word. God bless him. He is so good and humble. Hopefully I can come back for his baptism.


Me and some dominicanos

The church has a super cool camp in Bonao. We went today for Pday and it

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