Monday, March 18, 2019


Hello world!

I'm here is Salcedo and I'm loving it. Salcedo is a small town and there really isn't anything here. There are four missionaries here and we live in the same house! It is so fun!!!

My companion is Elder Garcia from Honduras. In our house there's ELDER DURHAM my mtc companion, its so fun, I don't sleep, and Elder Vallejos from Niceragua. 

The members here are super good and want to help us and leave with us which is way different from Bonao. We have a few good people. I've been getting used to things here and now me and my companion are getting used to each other and how we teach. He is super outgoing, but this is his second transfer in the mission so he is still learning a lot of stuff.

On Sunday, we had this kid come to church. His name is Brendy. He likes the church and has a testimony, but we are working with him to leave some stuff so that he can get baptized. Also we are teaching this girl who has a few members in her family. She went to church. She is so sweet. 

I love Salcedo and I'm happy to be here. 

I'll try to send some pictures next week.

If anybody still reads these send me an email so I know haha.

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