Monday, May 27, 2019

I put some good pictures in this email

We are teaching a lady and she is really good. We were going over the baptismal questions with her to make sure she was ready for her baptism on Saturday. Turns out her whole family moved to Salcedo to get away from some bad stuff that they were in and we have to do a bunch of things to see if she can get baptized. So close but so far away.

We are doing really good with some things here but struggling a lot too. Never in my mission have I had more people that read what we leave them. It's so awesome. They read and have questions and some people actually write down what they read. It's a miracle. But, nobody is going to church. AHHH! It's so frustrating. We can't keep teaching people that don't go to church but they are good. It's hard, but we are trying to do what the Lord wants us to do here.

We were walking on this and decided to contact a house that we already contacted. We talked to this super cool dude that has read the bible all the way through 2 times, but hasn't heard about the Book of Mormon. We gave it to him and started reading it while we we're still talking to him. SWEET! MIRACLES!

Jose got set apart yesterday for his mission and we got to go. It was really good and I felt the spirit. It reminded me of when I was set apart. I thought a lot about the importance of this calling that the blessing it is to be a missionary. I love being a missionary even though sometimes its hard. 

Look up yaroa on google. That's what we eat every night.

Some little kids that we schooled playing soccer.
Good news, Spiderman wants to be baptized. Bad news, he is only 5 years old.
I have become a pretty good artist in the last few months.
This escalator in Santiago was broken when I got here.
The biggest tarantula I have ever seen. This is as close as I would get to it. It's in the gutter.
Our zone.
Jose got set apart as a missionary yesterday and is leaving today for Mexico.

Monday, May 13, 2019

i like being a missionary

This week was really good. 

We are working hard and talking to a lot of people. 

I don't have very much time but some cool things happened this week. We were walking down the street and we decided to talk to this lady. We already knew her because she was friends of the lady whose husband died but we hadn't talked to her about the gospel. She was really nice and let us in. She said she felt a really strong desire to go to a church the other day because she wanted more peace in her life. She went to a church and she didn't like it at all so we invited her to ours. She got a little emotional while we were talking to her which usually doesn't happen when we are contacting but I know that the Lord led us there.

Me in San Francisco de Macoris
1 broom stick, 1 pvc pipe, 2 shoelaces, 1 hanger, 1 plastic bag, 1 paper clip equals GUAYABA!!!! we are so smart

Monday, May 6, 2019


My mission call said September 6, 2017. 20 months ago. WOWOWOW.

My companion hit 4 months and so we cut all of his hair off.

We live in a house of 4 and this week Elder Vallejos went home to Nicaragua. He only had like 3 months in the mission. He left this morning so now we are in a tripanionship. Its sad that he left. Being on a mission is the best thing Ive ever done and Ive learned too many things in my short time here. The good news is that Im companions with Elder Durham again! Heck yeah!

We had a zone conference and I saw everybody that I love again. I love my mission. Presidente Cowan is a super good guy. We talked a lot about faith and repentance and how repentance is when we actually change. I know I still lack a lot but I have definitely changed a lot in my time here as a missionary and Ive repented of a lot of my imperfections. Ive been able to see a lot of changes and blessings as Ive made those changes. Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a better way to live.

It was like 11:55 in the morning and we were about to go to eat but we decided to contact one more house. We yelled in the house and there were obviously people there but they didnt come to the door. Ugh. Right as we were about to leave this guy walks up to the door and he is really nice and he invites us in. He tells us about how he had heart surgery and that hes been looking for something more in his life. He said hes been to the catholic church and the 7th day adventists but hes still searching so we are his guys.

Good news: I ate a lot of chicken this week.

Me about to take the biggest bite of all time out of this piece of chicken. Ft. Jimmy and Paola hiding in the back.
One big piece of chicken. 
Its super blurry but this is the last picture with Elder Vallejos.